Warrior Testimonials

“The Aunt Sister Project has given me the structure and accountability I need to focus on getting stronger and healthier. I appreciate the creative modifications for individual injuries and circumstances as well as the variety of activities that make the time go quickly. I also love the camaraderie with the instructor and other participants. It feels like I meet friends twice a week even though our classes are remote.“ - April, 2021 Warrior
"I am thrilled to have found the Warrior Workouts. There are things in life that one knows are a “God wink”. The Aunt Sister Project is one of those in my life. I already knew how talented & caring Ashley was from a previous connection. I was so excited when I found out I could workout with her again - she’s so good, and so caring. As a Stage 4, two-time survivor with long-term radiation damage plus another permanent injury, I have challenges. Multiple doctors told me these were irreversible. I wanted to prove them wrong but didn’t exactly know how. Then I found out about The Aunt Sister Project. Perfect timing - perfect program! The Warrior workouts are really helping me. I am amazed at the improvements I am seeing after such a short time. I have high hopes for continued progress with Ashley’s personalized workouts. At this point, I can’t think of a single thing that I would change about the workouts. Do yourself & favor, try the workouts & maybe you, too, will have a success story to tell about." - Nancy, 2021 Warrior
"I am a two-time breast cancer survivor and have been participating in the Aunt Sister Project for the past two months. My first round of cancer treatments included surgery, radiation, and chemo which left me with CIPN which affects my toes, ankles, and balance. The second round included surgery, radiation, and long-term chemotherapy. This too has had side-effects, but I only have one more year to go! After the first round, I went through a program at the Y in another state which helped with rebuilding my strength. After the second round, I went through the Livestrong program in Kansas which helped with balance, strength, and stretching especially for deep muscle scars. I loved the workouts and appreciated the outcome. Unfortunately, programs end and momentum slides, especially when things shut down due to a pandemic. With help and information from our LS trainers, I found out about Ashley and this program. Thinking it was like other YouTube or Zoom exercises, I decided to try one session. What I found was this program is like nothing I had tried before. It pushes me physically and in the safety of my home with exercises designed for cancer survivors with different limitations. She is very clear with her instructions and what I should be experiencing. This is exactly what I needed. Thanks to Ashley, I can already see improvement in my balance and walking. I don’t think I would have been able to do my recent 3.5-mile trail hike without being part of this program. The Aunt Sister Project is helping me get back into shape and enjoy the outdoors again!" - Sharon, 2021 Warrior
"This last year has been a test of my inner and physical strength. I was diagnosed with a rare skin cancer. The surprise is I was never a sun worshipper, which is the root cause of Merkel Cell Carcinoma. After surgery and radiation treatment, I felt depleted of my ability to physically do to any daily activities. Not wanting to expose myself to COVID-19, finding a Zoom Class with an instructor sensitive to cancer survivors was a blessing. ASP’s program gradually has helped me increase my muscle and core skills. This in turn has increased my ability to accomplish the household tasks I hadn’t been able to complete in a long time. My mental outlook has been more positive and focused to put this crazy year in the rear-view mirror. Ashley is always available either by phone or email. Our class consists of people from all over the country, different backgrounds and treatments. Her motivation is helping our class, together or individually, to attain and become our best selves. The Aunt Sister program was a lifesaver enhanced by a wonderful instructor!" - Gwenn, 2021 Warrior
"I am a breast cancer survivor that has been participating in ASP’s program for about six months. After going through multiple surgeries, chemo and radiation, my body was truly shutting down. I found out about the program through a fellow Warrior. I cannot be more thankful and appreciative of the opportunity and the never-ending support the program provides! I didn't realize how weak my body was; I was ready to accept that this was the way things were going to be! Well....I had that wrong, Ashley has proven to me that as long as I do whatever my body is willing to do. I will continue to build my strength and once again be able to enjoy a good and active lifestyle! Ashley, I cannot thank you enough!" - Helene, 2021 Warrior
“ASP training classes are truly exceptional. My oncologist told me that for me exercise was an imperative. I'm delighted to say that Ashley's skills as a trainer are top notch, remarkable. In each session I experience in my entire body a rhythm, a flow, a ballet-like coordination. As the session proceeds, I am impressed by how Ashley melds together her own very concise and helpful commentary with her own equally precise and exemplary training postures. The visualization of the postures described succinctly by Ashley's commentary enables everyone in the class to stay together, 'to go with the flow.' Indeed, in gratifying moments I experience myself almost bird-like. Confined as I am within a relatively small space and yet within this space I am animating and mobilizing via Ashley's guidance the entirety of my physical and mental being. Obviously in my view anyone even thinking of joining Ashley's Aunt Sister training sessions should give it a try. You have little, if anything to lose. Meanwhile, you can possibly discover within yourself, as I have discovered within myself, a decisively more relaxed and flexible sense of health and well-being.” - Mark, Warrior Graduate
“As a breast cancer survivor, I have had great difficulty getting back to my fitness level from before my diagnosis. I'm not yet where I want to be but the group workouts that I have been a part of for the last several months have greatly contributed to both my physical and mental wellbeing, especially through COVID. Ashley brings an intensity to the weekly classes that I strive to work up to and her sense of humor and positivity makes everything less ‘painful’ “. - Leora, Warrior Graduate
“Abruptly losing daily contact with medical professionals after radiation treatment left me directionless. I wasn’t confident about moving ahead with ‘normal’ life. During treatment, medical professionals had cautioned against using exercise, so it was no wonder I felt stuck and alone...and very anxious. Ash provided direction for me through an exercise program for cancer survivors. She laid the groundwork to develop resilience: physical strength and endurance, a realistic yet positive outlook, and connections that provided what I needed to move forward. Eight years beyond my cancer diagnosis, I use these lessons every day in my personal and public life, both for myself and the people I work beside. I highly recommend Ash’s work and the ASP. It is a life changer.” - Kris, Warrior Graduate
"Exercise and playing sports have always been a huge component of my lifestyle. At the age of 49, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After the shock wore off, I put on my battle armor and went to work on preparing my body for what was in front of me. Exercise, body work, and healthy nutrients were my teammates. Although the journey has not always been easy, I stuck with it, kept moving, and four years later, I'm back to playing beach volleyball. I'm grateful everyday for the ability to stay active and enjoy the beautiful outdoors!" - Laura, Warrior and ASP Advisor